Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Breaking Points

Most people believe living on a Caribbean island should be paradise. As I walk through the so called "paradise", I notice the shattered souls that walk beside.

A young girl, sits at her computer screen, presumably over Skype, complaining about her problems in the middle of a common area. The young, bright girl sits on the dirtied floor yelling into her computer screen. Headphones dangle slightly from her ears as she holds back the tears. Her beauty is covered be a look of constant disarray. She is asking "What is so good about my life right now?" She sits there in silence with a clenched jaw, trying to avoid eye contact with whomever she is speaking with from the digital connection across the world. The pure frustration in her look is disheartening. At that moment, she is broken. 

A young man, surrounded by people typing on his computer the hardships that have come forth at him.  My confident, vibrant, and eccentric peer, whom I have exchanged laughs with in the past, is noticeably shaky. The acquaintance stands there mumbling words to his friend across the way. He finally sits and looks in physical and mental stress. Pure agony as he can't sit still from his mental turmoil. He begins to open his books and begins typing. Striking the keys rapidly and full of force. A quick glance at the screen and words of "I am at my breaking point." "I am so f#%#@ pissed off right now." "I don't know what to do." pop up. 
I knew it wasn't right to keep reading so I got back to my work. At that moment, he is broken.

Its tough to see people that you feel are confident and have everything together to go through such a breaking point. Makes you realize that everyone has theirs, eventually, whether you see it or not. Most people probably hide it away from the general public. Many big egos will deny it at all costs. If the stress of school isn't what gets to them, then it is something else; tests, social life, fitness, diet, relationships, and so forth.

I wish I could have done something about it. 

Just wanted to remind everyone that this task we are set on is tough for everyone. We aren't the first people to have to go through this, we won't be the last.. When you do eventually break, trust your family and your friends will be there to help you rebuild. Remember to pay it forward, you never know what kind of battle someone is going through, so be kinder than necessary

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