Friday, April 22, 2011

My friends, My family, My people.

The dark rings circle around your head. You are lost in oblivion. Sitting infront of the black screen. Internal monologue playing the broken recorded messages. They make your stomach ache. The presences of a dark cloud settles over your life.

The people refuse to let you get down.

Tears stream down your face. So choked up on emotions you cannot speak. All that comes out are gasps for air as if you were drowning.

They stand over you, and pick you up.
Your heart is crushed heart as you give up on the goodness of man. You shake your head, trying to comprehend why this always happens to you.

They sit there and explain the world to you.  

Thin, brightly red fluid warmly flows over your face. You duck your head in despair. It drips and pools awkwardly at your feet.

They clean you up, hold you close, tell you that everything will be okay. 

Cold steel bracelets wrapped your wrists. You get pushed into the back seat. You feel your life is over.

The people surround you and don't give up on you.

You lay in the hospital bed, destroyed. Not sure if you will wake to see the morning light. Hemi-dazed flashes of your surroundings cross your mind. You don't know if it is reality or a dream.

There they were, not allowing you to give up on yourself.
My life has become an accumulation of experiences and people. Each and every person I have met has inspired me to live, love and see the world unconditionally. My heart works for you. My passion lives through you. 

As I push forward, I hope I never let you down. I cannot sit here and pretend to be perfect. I cannot say I am complete. I cannot live up to even my own expectations. However, I have never been more sure of who I am than I do now-a-days. I thank my friends and family for instilling confidence in myself that allowed me to build my own self-confidence and self-awareness.
You influence me to be the best person I can be. You allow me to be humble. You make me be a gentleman. You challenge me to survive. You stuck through my bullshit. You argued with me when I was illogical and not grounded to society. You  supported me and protected me. You yelled at me when I was wrong. You helped me up when I tripped. You watched me fuck up just to say "Its okay, just learn and move on. You have dedicated time and effort in my success. 

 You saved me.

I hope one day I can repay the favor. . .

Much love.

Live well. 

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